Tuesday, 1 March 2016

The Wild Goose Chase of Happiness

I once heard them say that yellow is the colour associated with happiness... Writing this in yellow is actually making me sick. I am sure you feel sick reading it too so i'll just...
Sweet relief. Black is actually my favourite colour. I hope it is not associated with sadness and a dark core. I have decided to make my blog look like a children's story book. Large fonts, pictures, colours etc. That is the only way to get me to read anything anyway so I figured you might like the idea too.
Ever since I was a little girl, I have always craved for happiness. That inner feeling where everything feels so good and nice and bubbly and fuzzy and warm and beautiful and complete and just...
Back then, very few things were needed to attain this high.

  • Food,
  • Friends, (not the snitch ones who left me to play with the others) (yes I have been petty since childhood)
  • School (or lack of it)
  • Family (pretty much my mum at the time)
  • TV (childhood narcotic)
  • Sleep
I then grew up and happiness meant an entirely different thing.

  • Food (You can tell that is a constant)
  • My Mother (When she is happy)
  • Relationships (family, friends, boyfriend(on the days I have one and we are not quarreling)colleagues etc) 
  • God (on the very few days I am not guilty of screw ups)
  • Paid Bills (Rent, Etc etc)
  • Music
  • Music (so nice I had to put it twice)
  • Financial security (a stable job or source of income)
  • Electricity (Nigerians know what I mean)
  • Partying and dancing. (Judge me if you like)
  • A few other things i will like to not mention in case my mum reads my blog.
  • Purpose (on the days when I feel like I am on the right path.
This list may differ for you but think about it... have you not been betrayed by this self righteous emotion called happiness?
An emotion that is so sly that its causatives feel the need to change every gaddem time...
Feels like trying to get a grip of a live catfish or an eel or even air in motion.
That is how teasing and fickle and euphoric and sweet; yet so sour and beautiful ;yet so ugly and deceptive and exhausting happiness is.

I have a feeling that at a point in my life when I am 115 years old and toothless and beautifully diseased with Alzheimer's or dementia, happiness will probably be

  • Food 
  • Death (or the anticipation of it)
I strongly believe that this is a pure case of double standards. Without us humans, happiness would probably not have anyone to torment. I hereby move a motion for us to not let happiness dictate its criteria to us. Let us by ourselves decide what makes us happy. Let us decide to have happiness with us always and not to be measured by events, substances,functions and even other humans.
 In better put words, make happiness your bitch. You own it. You feed it when you want,you walk it when you want, you just...

Disclaimer: This post might not make sense to you now... but it will when Happiness pulls a fast one on you.


  1. Nice post. Good write-ups. But please regularize your font type and size. I don't mean to be a bitch but Its valuable information for professionalism.

    1. Thank you for reading and for the advice. :)
