Friday, 29 April 2016
Letter To My Next (As Inspired By Osikhena Dirisu)
And The Award for The Saddest Word Goes to Goodbye...
So today is the last day of work for one of my colleagues as he has decided to move on to greener pastures without me lol.
I remember the day first day I saw him and I said to myself, " Oh well, not so bad looking but what is with the damn afro?" This friend of mine hates the barbershop so much that he would rather look like a 1960 throwback picture than get a haircut.
Anyway, I have chosen to use this medium to appreciate his friendship over the few months since I resumed this current place of work.
"Hello small head,
I know you are excited that I am writing about you on the internet. You can stop smiling now lol. I obviously am too broke to throw you a send forth party or buy a goodbye gift but I shall use the following lines as my cool excuse.
A party will wear and tear (except of course it is diamond) but the internet will most likely last forever...So will this post and the words in it. You better print it o in case the world wide web crashes.
I know we fight a lot and have completely different ways of understanding and processing things but I will forever be thankful for the times that you made my dark world a little brighter. Don't get it twisted o, there are some days when I want to rip your head off and play football with it. lool.
I'll miss insulting your Young Thug playlist on our way to work. I'll miss the long convos over the office intercom. I'll definitely miss the soft drinks you bring for me even though you haven't done so in a pretty long while* roll my eyes*. Thinking of the fact that I shall never get free rides to work again makes me cringe though. Who will I rant to on the way to work? Definitely not the okada man (motor bike rider). Who will I share my paranoia over lateness and life in general with? Who will I share new music with? Who will insult my favourite songs? Who will I have petty quarrels with in the office? Who will I share office gossip with?
I guess what I am trying to say is that I shall deeply miss you. okay I need to stop writing this like you still don't live 10 houses away from me even though that will change soon too. Sigh. I will miss you dear office best friend. You keep saying to me that you met me for a reason and I know you may not believe this but I actually do agree with you.
Most importantly, thank you for the memories...In the end, that is all that really matters. Thank you for your kindness even on the days when I least deserve it. Thank you Kome Hermans Efenudu. I wish you all the best in your new place of work and I pray that people will show you kindness the way you have shown me.
And oh, thanks for being an ardent reader and contributor of my blog too. God bless you.
Sniff sniff,
PS: That is not my real face. -_-
Managing Depression.
- Express your hurt: This is usually my first go to. Channel out the frustration through your most convenient means. Crying, writing, singing, punching a wall or breaking something(please make sure what you are breaking is ya own and is of inconsequential value oo) drawing, talking to yourself, pacing etc. Trust me, most of my most precious and creative works were love children of depression. The only expression not accepted are the ones that would hurt you or someone else physically. No thinking of slitting of wrists or body parts or another human being or thinking of jumping off a bridge. Life is worth living my dear friend.
- Keep the bad thoughts as just thoughts: I know what I am writing is the hardest way to deal with what you are feeling. I know first hand that it is easier written than done but you will get by. Trust me on this one. So when you think of taking your own life, let it live and die as a thought. Fight the urge to take action on negative things that pop up in your head. The regret that comes with the bad actions will hurt you more than what you are going through... And when the bad thoughts go, hang on to the good ones like your life depends on it.
- Give time the chance to heal you: This will be the hardest phrase to digest because for you right now, time is a pregnant snail with a limp. Don't worry. The most important thing is that it is moving and one day...maybe not today or tomorrow but one day, it will all be a thing of the past.Time heals every and anything. Whenever it seems like there is nothing to hold on to, you are probably wrong. There is definitely a phase in the future that will feel much better than right now. so keep these words in your heart. This.Too.Shall.Pass.
- Find a confidant: Some levels of depression make you feel like if you open up your struggles to people, they might taunt you, might not understand you, might misinterpret your emotions or even make light of your situation. Your fear is valid but believe me, one of the best ways to heal is to share how you feel in details with someone who will handle your emotions like it really is:fragile. The best people to bare your issues to are those who have either been through what you are currently going through and have come out on the sunny side or those who through a tested commitment of friendship will be there for you no matter what. Find someone who even when you have not yet opened your lips to speak, already understands that what you need is a hug and assurance and not judgement.
- Weigh the issue without bias: Although I know some people's depression are caused by really horrible things, some depressions too are caused by the flimsiest of things. I will not enumerate instances because what may be coal to me is someone else's diamond. I do have a standard measurement question that you can ask though. " Will it matter in 1 year?" Trust me, anything that will not matter in the next few months or years should be allocated the most minimal mourning period. You will be just fine.
- Indulge: Indulge responsibly,positively and constructively with regards to hobbies, habits and food. Emphasis on "responsibly,positively and constructively" o before you look like a round ball and say it is Cynthia that said you should eat your sorrows away lol. Jokes apart, go crazy once in a while like doing stuff that will make you not feel your face. Drink a little if alcohol is your thing. Dance a lottle lol if there is any word like that. Indulgence can be the fast forward button on time's remote control.
- Forgive: Some depressions leave us feeling a certain way towards someone or something that we feel may have contributed greatly to how we feel. Sometimes too, this person is us. It is totally healthy to be mad and to boil and feel like you will never stand the sight of this person or thing ever again. My question is, how long? How long will you give someone the right to make you feel bad? How long will you beat yourself up for being human; no matter how grave the mistake you made is or was? At some point, let it go. I know this sounds like the hardest thing ever to do but the jailer is just as caged as the prisoner so release whoever or whatever from your spirit and mental space. You will be surprised at what beautiful things life can throw at you to fill that space up.
- Pray: I may have not exhausted all the possible ways to manage depression but if I did 100 more posts about it, this bullet point will be the recurrent one. Pray... to whoever you believe in...Jesus, Mohammed or Justin Timberlake. Just pray. There are so many things we may never understand but prayer has evidently helped millions of people. Me inclusive. Don't get me wrong;8 times out of 10 I am probably fighting with God but you see the remaining 2 times that I am not, He gets me completely and forgives me for all those 8 times. Even if He is not acting instantly and drawing you out of the abyss of negative emotions, He is listening and plotting a way for you to make it out.
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Clearly Clairvoyant.
Some of you may have experienced your night dreams materialize in reality. For most people, it is a once in a lifetime experience. For some, it is an occasional one while for a few it is an ongoing thing. If you fall under the occasional and ongoing category, well congrats! You are clearly clairvoyant! (Pardon my corniness.It just had a nice ring to it. lmao)
Most of you are probably like, which one is clairvoyant again? Let me put you out of the misery quicker than Wikipedia did for me. According to my Wordnet Online Dictionary, "Clairvoyant" means "Perceiving things beyond the natural range of senses. Foreseeing the future". Wikipedia further explains that there are 3 categories in which this paranormal essence is experienced.
Precognition (ability to perceive something that has not yet happened)
Retrocognition (Ability to perceive something that happened in the past)
Remote Viewing (Ability to perceive something happening in real time while not being in the same space)
Now there are quite a number of ways through which this perception can happen. In a trance, a dream, conjured by witchcraft e.t.c. In fact I shall like to not go into details being that witch craft has popped up lol. Anyway, clairvoyance has been attributed to sorcery and the likes but I do believe that some people are naturally blessed with it. The following points are a few of my own experiences which I just figured are mostly precognition.
- In 2011, I had a dream that armed robbers attacked my house. The very next day, they did but luckily, I was the only one awake and I noticed their shadows by my window. I crawled out of bed and went to my uncle's room. He set his car alarm off from inside the house and they somehow ran away. Below is a picture of how they made it into the compound.
- Sometime in 2013, I dreamt that one of the caterers at my workplace died in a fire. I said a prayer the next day and also went ahead to tell her. Later in the day, she lit a match to put on the gas stove not knowing that the gas had been leaking out for a bit. There was a huge explosion but thankfully nothing happened to her.
- In 2013 also, I was searching for a new apartment. I got a very good deal very close to a beach and I was a tad excited. I dreamt that night of sea animals going in and out of my house only for me to find out the next day that the deal was so juicy because the beach usually overflowed and flooded the place. At this point, I noticed my gift and purposely asked to see the house I was going to live in in a dream. I slept and dreamt of a house with an unusually big kitchen. Oh well let us just say that for my current one room apartment, I have an unusually big kitchen lol.
- In 2014, my ex was teaching me to drive. I dreamt that I pressed down the throttle too hard thinking it was the brakes and sped across the road without looking. Luckily nothing happened to us in the dream. The next day, I was driving and we saw his friend. I stopped the car to swoon about the fact that I was driving. For some reason, my ex put the gear on neutral while I was still gisting. Out of excitement, I stepped on the throttle hard and the car only revved. Imagine what would have happened if he did not remove the gear from drive.
- Fast forward to this morning, yes I mean this morning. I dreamt that robbers attacked my father's house. For some reason, I hid my smartphone and held on to my regular Nokia just in case they were going to ask for my phone. I woke up while the robbery was ongoing. I prayed and went about my business for the day only for me to get to work to find out that my Nokia phone had been stolen from my bag while I was riding the bus.
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
This Scary Thing Called Marriage.
Is marriage not overrated? Why is polygamy/bigamy not legal or not so much of a cultural vice? Is marriage my destiny? Why are open marriages not popular on this side of the world? Will I be pushed to the wall as to stabbing my husband in his sleep?
You probably think I am a psycho asking these questions and I may have just ruined my chance at a happy marriage with one of my readers lol. Jokes apart though, owing to the fact that I am in my late 20s, the natural pressure to be hitched is something I am faced with every minute. Only problem is the fear that comes with it is just as robust as the pressure.
If there is one thing I fear the most with regards to marriage, it would be cheating. I mean it has got to be as I cannot call it quits or waltz out as I would do a regular boyfriend/girlfriend scenario. I cannot cuss you out as much as I would want to because society defines that as not being "submissive". In fact let me not talk too much. Take a look at these cuts below:
Friday, 22 April 2016
I think my first identification started with the famous teenage sensation series "One Tree Hill". Although I did not quite start following it when it was running, I did get hooked on it while I was in the university and it instantly became one of my favourite TV shows yet. I need not go into the synopsis of the show but if you are interested, you can run a search on it and I promise you wont be disappointed.
Peyton Sawyer was the first ever character I associated myself with. She was always broody, the odds were always never in her favour and she did suffer quite a lot of heartache trying to please people's emotions and leaving hers to roast in the back burner. One thing though that made this splitting description of me easy to bear was that she was a good person.,. Lol if I don't blow my horn,who will?
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Carpe Diem Dominus (Seize The Day Lord)
The day I saw this phrase, I fell in love instantly. I am not like the most religious person around but I do make a constant daily effort to keep in touch with my faith. Ever sat down to wonder why there are so many divisions and denominations with regards to religion? It confuses me too. However, what we all seem to have in common is the acceptance of a higher force. No matter what you believe in, Jesus, Mohammed or Justin Timberlake, we all somehow meet at a point where we believe that there is a God. Okay except for agnostics and atheists. I sometimes believe that even them in the richness of their conviction, when they see or hear about the stars and galaxies, how a baby forms in the womb, how a plant grows into a gigantic tree, how water is really water, how space and the planets and every weird thing functions, they probably sometimes believe in a supernatural control.
Pardon my next attempt to be poetic but...
Whether its January or its May
Whether the future is now or it is in delay
Whether afloat in luxury or buried in filth and decay,
Oh Lord, seize the day.
You are probably thinking... Was that really necessary? Oh well, it is for me because even if sometimes I am knee deep in the mystery of life and being, I tell myself that I'd rather be caught unawares in belief and faith than to be caught in nothing at all so...
Whether you are straight, bisexual or gay
Whether you are tall short, or somewhere halfway,
Whether you are forever happy or doomed in dismay,
Ask the Lord to seize the day.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
"This is going to be more difficult to decipher than the hieroglyphs to Non Egyptians. If you can decipher the title of this post which is significant to today's date, then keep reading.
Today is the day that celebrates the tool that makes you see life in HD..
Its like a trip to a 7D animation kiosk.
Where sideline reality makes it to the front row.
Nothing has given much more clarity. I'll stop here. That's as much as I can share but best believe if we all focus our energy simultaneously to the centre, we can lift the world"
(Call me Cynthia's anon friend)
Okay guys, due to my utterly tightly scheduled day, a friend of mine opted to help write a piece for my blog. He claims today is a sacred day but will not tell me why. So if you are reading this and understand the above quoted, do kindly shed some light.
Monday, 18 April 2016
Wizkid's Gbedu With Linda Ikeji is truly Final.
So I get home and I am surfing Twitter, only for me to come accross the above picture. I shall break this down to my non Nigerian readers.
Now the younger person pictured in the above photo is a very popular and talented Nigerian Artiste named Wizkid. He had a rift with a very popular Nigerian blogger called Linda Ikeji. Some news about Wizkid losing his home went viral a couple of weeks back and it was first released on Linda Ikeji's blog. Wizkid who I guess was hurt either by the truth or the lack of it in the story decided to clap back by posting some negative things about Linda, calling her privates smelly and said he would order his young cousin to beat her up.
After a few back and forths, Linda decided to report Wizkid's seeming threat to the Commissioner of Police. News went around that he was summoned and had refused to show up. Oh well, today, infact a few hours ago, Wizzy baby decided to post this picture with him posing side by side with the said Commissioner of Police. He even added to the caption "Police is your friend". If this is not hilarious, I dont even know what is.
I on the other hand am dying to know how his visit to the Police truly went other than this photo session because Lord knows I am trying not to show my Olympic worthy long jump skills, conclusion wise.
It's The Little Things.
Friday, 15 April 2016
The Bubble...
I'll choose life. I'll choose one supernatural moment over the regular ones. I'll choose one sweet poison over an abundance of bitter antidotes. I'll choose the warmth and the freedom in such enclosed space. I'll choose to be happy in the bubble...The joy of trying to recreate it when it is gone will be enough comfort than the pain of watching it go away, knowing I can do absolutely nothing about it.
Rest in Peace Sheyi...
Rest in Peace Dagrin...