Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Vibe.NG presents: The Rise and Rise Of Ycee

YCEE graces the cover of magazine

Demilade Martins Alejo, popularly known as YCEE is the cover of maiden edition of Magazine.

In the Interview tagged The Rise And Rise Of YCEE, the Jagaban crooner reveals the challenges he faced and how he overcame them to become the musician he is today. From going to cyber cafes to download beats for recording his freestyles, to signing a record deal with Sony Music West Africa.

The down-to-earth Omo Alhaji, reveals juicy details about his personal life, celebrity crush, relationship, and what his girlfriend should expect from him.

Speaking to, YCEE talks about his first EP, which is to be launched soon, titled “The First Wave”, and the Inspiration behind the name.

Read the full interview on Here

Thursday, 8 September 2016

A Creative's Mesh of A Mind.

Screenshot from Huffington Post.

In case you ever wondered what goes on in the minds of creatives, or you are a creative yourself and you wonder if you are normal, this post may help with a little demystification.
This is my honest definition.
Creatives are professional mad people. Civilized psychopaths. Introverted extroverts and every other paradox available. The mind of a creative is a sacred mesh of beliefs, emotions, traits, knowledge and a whole lot of other jargons unspoken: with every single streak of thought fighting endlessly for attention. A mind drunk on the wine of dopamine and bile.
Unlike some tasks, creativity dwells solely on inspiration. Matter of fact, I like to liken a spark of inspiration to sexual intercourse. Some happen and that's it... while some lead to actual fertilization. Thereafter, you have gestation and finally, birth.
Best believe that everything that comes with actual birth except the 9-month time period comes with creativity; whatever kind it is. The hormonal imbalances especially.
That sudden rush of excitement to follow a thought through is normal.
That anger and frustration and withdrawal is normal.
That meaning you find in meaningless things is normal.
That sudden mental block where all the beauty in your ideas seem bleak and unachievable is normal.
That passion with which you dissect situations is normal.
People saying you are abnormal, is in itself normal.
You being the cat that curiosity may kill is normal.
I read somewhere today about a woman who had regrets about not enjoying her pregnancy process because she now realizes that was her chance at assisting God with a miracle.
It then hit me... every time you create something that reaches out to the human race... be it one person or the entire 7 billion, you have in your own little way helped God with a miracle.
Write that song...
Cook that recipe...
Design that website...
Design that outfit...
Work on that business idea...
Just be creative at whatever illuminates your mind.
Because, the goal is to leave the world a better place and to have contributed, in your own little way, to God's grand design.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Quit Stuffing The Pain.

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Although today's topic may seem somewhat contradictory to my regular theory of "Oh, do whatever you have to do to help ease the pain", but it is indeed different. It is one thing to do constructive and expressive stuff to help pass time and channel the hurt out pending when you feel better, but it is an entirely different thing to try to fill up an emptiness created by the pain you feel. I mean, eventually, the emptiness will have to be filled up but only with raisins, sunshine and peace. This is not always the case...scratch that. This is NEVER the case when we are not patient enough for organic healing.We tend to fabricate all sorts of lies to ourselves about what we can suffocate the pain with. 

We try sex. Meaningless intercourse with people we are meaningless to. Even worse off, meaningless intercourse with meaningful people who we mean something to but mean  nothing to us... We see them, but we do not see them. We touch them, but we do not feel them... When it is over and done, we say goodbye and we actually mean it.  This is a typical case of being bad at maths. Emptiness x emptiness= More emptiness. Slow down. Absorb the uneventfulness of life in the moment. Sadness is one of life's many viruses. It takes it's full course; after which, you will be just fine.

I'm currently trying food. "That must be safe to do when you're sad", you're probably thinking. Who am I really kidding? It is as destructive as it looks safe. Might just even be worse than sex because at least, you get to lose some weight while getting your jiggy on. Lol. If not for anything, what I can confidently tell you right now is that you lose more confidence when you are in emotional turmoil and out of shape. Your fears will seem harder to face. Your goals might seem harder to reach. This is a note to myself. Work out. Work your ass out. You can start tomorrow after being a glutton today, but no later than tomorrow. If you can fill the emptiness with a few lean muscles, then that's a much lesser evil.

We try drugs. here's how it works. You dwell in an utter valley of sheer hurt. And then, here's this beautiful helicopter that will make you rise to a level where you can see mountain ranges. The copter takes you upwards and dives sideways and around and around and then it starts to lose gas... And like a noisily deflating balloon, it brings you lower, and lower, and lower and delivers you into such a beautiful bed of the exact same problems. Now you prefer the view up there so you're like "hey, why don't I stay up there a while?".  Nobody will eventually care about how much pain turned you into an addict... Do you want to do that? Spend a lifetime explaining how you got there?

Although alcohol is a drug, it deserves to stand a bit apart as its main aim is to draw gibberish lines on that empty page in your life and make you admire it as art. You just want to keep scribbling. Scribble so hard, you can hardly decipher the whiteness of the page from the blueness of the ink. Pain may not be directly harmful to your liver, but alcohol is. 

I can only imagine the excruciating screams in your soul and all the above may serve as a great bite down, but at some point, we have to endure it. Moderation is key... Don't be caught neck deep.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Channel It Into Creativity!

I am most baffled when I hear people talk about how they do not have any form of creativity. I do not even want to go into the details of how impossible that is. If you say you are not very creative at a particular thing, I can totally understand as I have so many creative deficiencies. For instance, I have a very warped idea of aesthetics when it comes to design. I mean, I can totally recognize an awesome job well done, but having to whip it up myself is another story for Tales By Moonlight. (Whatever happened to that show though?)
Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that we are naturally creative beings and I do not need statistics to prove that to you. Just take a twirl in your current environment and you will affirm this.
Now if you have at least mapped out one of the many things you are indeed superbly creative at, then this post will make sense to you. If on the other hand you are not very sure of what you are capable of being creative at, then you will need to find that thing and come back to this post. Then it will make sense to you.
Positive and negative energy affect my creativity in their respective ways and I am certain it affects yours too...Except of course you all are aliens or just a figment of my imagination.
Prior to the time I knew I could control the flow of energy (personal and external), I allowed negative energy rid me of all my creative abilities. It made me sit around and brood, waiting for a burst of excitement before I could birth my abstract fetus into a reality baby. Sometimes, it took this burst of excitement weeks or even months to show up which was detrimental in all sorts of ways because creativity like many other things, needs consistency for better output.
You can actually turn your dark moments into sublime art. Finished work may be dark but it will brim with brilliance and emotional authenticity. Paint that negativity as is, using words that come from your innermost being or with whatever it is you express yourself through.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Life As A Potted Plant.

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This is as random as random can be but do you really ever wonder what it must be like to be a potted plant? Your purpose is to beautify and amplify an ambience but to the detriment of your actual growth. You are pruned when you try to stretch out a little more than the boundaries set for you. Your foundation is confined and dictated. Limited by the clay or the steel or whatever material your pot is made out of. Your dreams of becoming wild and free are almost invalid except of course someone kicks you out into a forest or a bush which is most likely never going to happen. As for your feeding? Oh if you are lucky you might have a dedicated waterer. Who probably feeds you more out of wanting to earn a living. One who sees you as a chore. Oh and for the ones who claim that their sole passion and duty is to cater to you? Yeah the ones called gardeners. If you are super lucky, you'll find the one who prunes you beautifully and still has the decency to get you some manure just so you do not miss your natural habitat too much. If for any reason, luck runs out on you, you probably will be stuck with a house owner who only waters you according to his or her mood.
It really must be saddening for all potted plants around the world; that you must always wear a beautiful smile even when you are where you do not desire to be. Smile even when you are underfed and under-nurtured. Smile even when it starts becoming obvious that your end is near.  Until you really cannot smile anymore and all your flowers are withered and your leaves,pale. Until you really cannot smile anymore...and you are replaced with yet another soon to be unfortunate potted plant.

How to make a "Frakpaccino"

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I am generally not a coffee person but one of my best friends is an addict while another one of them does not mind spending thousands on bottled frappuccino. I wanted to really know what the exact craze was about as all I ever get is  a sip from theirs because of how possessive they are of Anyway, got to work sometime last week and found my boss' previously brewed coffee. So I thought to myself... Is this drink not just cold coffee with plenty milk? So I decided to get creative with my boss' coffee, his milk and his sugar and his ice. I shook things up literally and voila! Homemade(more like office made) "Frakpaccino". I decided to give it that customized name to reflect the indigenous and ingenious nature of my creative love child lmao. Okay enough of the silliness. I did actually love the idea and I think I might just be taking to coffee more. I mean, you still retain the effect of being alert and energetic through the day but only this time, it is with creamy, milky and sugary goodness. Shout out to all the sweet toothed people out there like me.
Anyway, for those of you who want to disregard my amazing re-invention, I did stumble upon a wonderful blog that teaches you how to make proper frappuccino the right way: Starbucks standard actually. *rolls eyes to Jupiter*. So here goes aaaaand thank me later. .Actual Proper Frappuccino. Actually. you're welcome ;) lol

Monday, 18 July 2016

Your Eyes Are The Camera.

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Your eyes are the camera.
What are they constantly filming? Pale colored ceilings? Boring bathroom walls? Scenes of utter seriousness and absolutely no fun? Is it focusing on some print material without its consent or trapped on the set of societal dictated religion? Why is it not capturing the allures of a fanfare? Why not the goofy laugh of happy  children or the sweetly annoying splatters of a waterfall? Every beautiful moment craves your attention like a needy girlfriend. Waiting to be complimented...Waiting for its beauty to be gushed about and captured and framed and gazed upon on the walls of your heart and the hallway of your mind . No one buys a camera just because they want to capture "ordinary". The only ordinary shots should be for you to only remember how ordinary "ordinary" feels.Tell me, how do you shut those lenses every single night? Do you shut them out of a whole day of filming basic details? Do you shut it out of only playing back beautiful footage instead of taking in new ones? Do  you waste its self cleaning fluid by subjecting it to picturing flicks of love lost? Flicks of pain? Flicks of regret? Shame on you if you do that. Shame on us all...that we were all given the highest definition of all lenses yet we woefully fail to use it to its maximum. What would the angels say? When after many years of spending time on this location called life and you shut the lenses for good...and it's time to retrieve the data and view what life is like on the other side...and all the angels can see are pale colored ceilings and boring bathroom walls with scenes of utter seriousness and absolutely no fun. You would have cut their very high expectations way too short. You would have deprived them of your P.O.V. of this awesome life you had a privilege to be a part of.  Most importantly, you would have deprived yourself of exploring the amazing playground put together, just for you. Remember, if you see this, your eyes are the camera. Film wisely.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

10 Weird And Random Quotes From God Knows Where.

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Sooo, I have decided to post some very odd quotes today for no justifiable reason. Quotes have this funny way of inspiring you and making your soul feel truly or falsely fed so let us dine away!
For the ones that make sense, you can give me credits. For the ones that do not make sense, just put "unknown" lol. Do make sure you give the blog credits though :). This is me believing that the quotes will somehow impact you...Maybe with some hidden meaning that you will unravel or it will be utterly stupid enough to make you laugh at the very least. So here goes...

"Immerse yourself some more in life. Safe never took anyone anywhere that daring couldn't."

"The threat is not the colour of their skin. The real threat should be that you will never be able to know what they are thinking."

"If it makes you happy, bubbly and alive, do not let it go...Until it stops. Then, you can let it go."

"We may never understand the daily conversation between the shoe and the ground."

"We all cannot handle it. The true meaning of love... An emotion where the slightest of deeds are deeply appreciated and the deepest of hurt is highly tolerated."

"Whatever super genius thing you do is a fraction of a fraction of your capabilities."

"You want change and I want change too but for things to change, we need to change too."

"Pausing is acceptable... Quitting is not."

"It is okay to judge when it happens to others. Just be sure to let us know when it happens to you."

"Dear friends, tomorrow is today."

Lmao! Like I said earlier, they are very weird and random quotes gotten from God know where.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

A Short Ode To Boredom

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I am bored out of my existence.
Time is standing still.
Time is at the crossroads and has lost it's way and is just there... staring.
I am bored out of my existence.

Time is in a trance.
At least come out of it and tell me tales of my so dreamed of future.

Every song out of my million playlist sounds like it has been on repeat.
I am bored out of my existence.
It has been 12 pm for 4 straight hours now
It has been Monday for 3 straight weeks now
It has been June for 2 straight months now..
It has been 2016 for...oh well...for just 1 year now
but the point is...
If time doesn't feel like it is on a broomstick,
You are most likely not having fun.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

5 Reasons She'd Bring Her Friends To The Date.

The inspiration for this piece came from the epic brouhaha that shook Nigeria Twitter last week. I shall give you the summary in the following format.
Boy asks girl tweep (friend from Twitter) out on a movie date.
Girl shows up with two other friends.
Boy doesn't pay for girl's friends' movie tickets.
Girl is disgusted and expresses feeling on Twitter.
Association of All Nigerian Demons (practicing and retired) come for her.
Girl sustains trailer jam injuries.
The End.

Anyway, I decided to approach this issue somewhat objectively and share a few reasons why a girl might bring her friends along to a date meant for just herself and a guy.

  • Teen Mutant Excitement: This is a condition whereby a teenager is just excited about the fact that she is hanging out with a guy (most likely a really cute one) and decides to bring her friends to see the human monument. This date mostly happens at fast food joints so this is most likely the scenario.
Boy never esperred her to bring 2 friends.
Boy is happy he has 1k.
Boy buys 3 meat-pies, 1 bottle of soda, 1 bottled water.
Boy runs on empty.
Occasional sounds of annoying giggles fill the air.
The end.

  • "One Chance": In this case, girl honest to God doesn't like you or care about your feelings. She knows it might not be anything more than a first date and is really not interested in making a good first impression. Here's a likely scenario.
Girl is quite certain of where she wants this date to happen.
Girl will most likely make a fuss about boy coming to pick her up or about how boy will foot transportation bills.
Girl only tells boy about her friend(s) 5 minutes to date.
Girl talks to her friends more than she talks to boy.
Frequent case of whispering amongst friends.
Friends order take-out packs.
Boy realizes he has just wasted time and money.
The end.

  • Potential Kidnapper: This is a typical case where girl has really never met boy before or boy has shown some creepy tendencies. Boy will be lucky if girl brings only 2 friends but should be rest assured that his phone number and picture are with 5 other friends.
  • Potential Ritualist: Girl has probably asked boy countless times what he does and boy either  evades question or says he is into "everything". Girl is suspicious of boy's lavish lifestyle and invites entire squad on first date.
  • Don Dada Pablo Escobar: First day boy met girl, he bought her food to last her an entire week and replaced her slightly cracked screen Samsung with the latest I-phone. Girl's friends are utterly fascinated and girl wants to show off boy to them. Girl uses first date to achieve this.
The only time a girl will most likely not bring a friend on a date with you is if she truly likes you, respects and believes that there just might be a future. If you have not posed as any of the above mentioned men and she still does so, please let that date also be the last. She probably has a boyfriend and wants to toy with your emotions or there are people pursuing her from her village.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Water: The Soul's Milk.

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You all probably know I am an extremely dramatic person by now. Sometimes for good...sometimes for bad lol. And to add that I majored in Theatre. Anyway the point of all that is the fact that for the sake of writing this post; you know just to get into the feel and errthang, I actually took a long sip of water and did the "aaaahhh" right after.
As you know, time to time I try to at least write some informative and educational stuff just so it's not a blog where I come to tell all my life woes in third person. Now picture me do all my talking in a very fast and high pitched annoying cheerleader voice.
Todaaaaay, we will be talking about water. Yep you read that right. Any way, I am not exactly going to write a thesis about it but I just really want to appreciate this strange yet life saving substance.
Let me share some "obvious" facts with you.

Did you know that about 70% of your entire body mass is made of water?
Did you know that almost 70% of the earth's surface is covered with water?
Did you know know that 70% of your smarty-pants brain is made up of water?
*Straight face* Even if you know this information already, act amazed!
Did you know that an average human can only survive for a week without water?
This next one is funny but did you know there is something called water intoxication?

I read somewhere that wherever there is water anywhere on earth, there is life. I don't know about you but this fact goes deeper than just another scientific discovery for me. There is definitely more to water. Especially because in the Bible, during creation, God separated water from water. Do you see where I am going with this? There was already water!!! Okay I think I just confused myself.

Water helps to flush and rid our systems of unwanted stuff.
Water lubricates your joints and nourishes your skin.
Water improves your mood and help[s you lose weight.
Water is the only tasteless substance that is sweet.
Water sacrifices itself for us to have our favorite beers and sodas.
Water is selfless.
Water is kind.
If water runs for president, I am voting for water.

I Am Deeply Sorry.

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I honestly did not expect that my indiscipline in real life will one day come to affect my virtual life. I have written about this before and it is a shame that I am going down the exact same route.
One part of me tells me not to feel guilty for not posting anything in such an awful long time. "It's your blog. It is nobody's business if you post or not." She says. Although this may seem like "Oh well, she has a point", I choose to also believe that I have an obligation to anyone who has ever opened this blog to read whatever I have written. I mean, if not, I'd write my adventures and thoughts and opinions in a diary or a notepad somewhere.
So I am sorry. Deeply and honestly sorry for allowing cobwebs grow here. I hope you forgive me. I will definitely try to be a better person.
I hope you are having a nice day...

Monday, 23 May 2016

How To Enjoy A Happy Day.

 I know you are spooked. "Oh God! Is she writing about being happy? Is she even capable of the emotion?" Lol. I understand. For a moment, I thought;"When I qualify for ads and they put them based on my themes, will it be psychiatric hospitals and shrink ads?" lmao.
Anyway, to debunk your completely untrue perception about me, I am a very happy girl. I mean I know I haven't been so much of that lately but I sure do know how happiness feels.
Anyway, enough of the psycho-analysis and let's get down to today's business. I'd like to share with you a few ways to enjoy a happy and beautiful day. They worked for me so I guess it will be worth the try.

  • Be thankful.
Thank your creator or whatever you believe in for the ability to be in the jolly mood you are in. If you have been in funny moods for a while, you will understand the need to be thankful about it. Also be thankful for all the good people and things that you have and can be easily taken for granted. Take time to ask for the day to continuously go and eventually wind down well.

  • Create your toughest to-do list.
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I am not certain how it works for other people but I am at my laziest when I am sad. I only do work if I actually do not have a choice but when I am bubbly and cheery, I can move a mountain smiling. So, I create a list (mostly a mental one) of all the stuff that I need to do starting from the hardest. Most of the time, the hardest stuff would usually be having to get my room in order or do laundry so I hop on that first. Some lively upbeat music thrown in the mix will definitely appeal to your happy senses.

  • Create a "new Music" playlist.
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When I am in high spirits, I am open to exploring new music unlike when I'm miss moody broody and want to listen to songs that compliment my mood. The perk that comes with new music is the possibility of finding a new best tune. Very few joys can reckon with this feeling I tell ya.

  • Food Food Food!!!

When all else fails, eat. When all seems well, eat more. lmao. I am a certified foodie so best believe eating is a special event for me. Eat healthy except you want to be a round figure like me. Lol.
  • Workout.

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The zeal to keep fit when I am happy comes effortlessly. I believe happiness make you want to be better so I take all the advantage I can squeeze out of it. Working out also leaves an after feeling of more happiness so it is indeed a win win situation. I purposely put a Jillian Michael's workout picture. Her routines are magic to be honest. You should totally check her out.

  • Danceeeeeee!
Dancing is a great way to express joy. I cannot even explain what dancing does for me;especially when it is to your own selected music. Perfect perfect way for a happy day to simmer.

  • Capture The Moment.

If being happy has not been a routine lately for you (which you should strive to making it a routine by the way), then I suggest on this happy morning you should get dressed, put on some make up (if you are a girl lol)and capture the moment. Take endless pictures. Your black background display pictures will thank you for it later. On the real though, take pictures and do not let go of the moment. They will serve as some hope on your dark days that things will get better.

There are so many things that can help you live a happy day to the fullest. Visit friends. Drink if you must. Attend a show. Show a stranger and loved one a random act of kindness. Do whatever your mind nudges you to. Do not feel guilty about the fact that you feel good because hunnay, in all honesty, no one is promised tomorrow.

Monday, 16 May 2016

If Bathroom Mirrors Could Talk...

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I know the popular phrase goes "If walls could talk" and I totally do not doubt that "walls" sure would have a lot to say but it just also hit me that bathroom mirrors have a lot to say too! Matter of fact, while the walls counterpart will have some freaky and x-rated tales, the bathroom mirrors will have real and personal stories.
What exactly would it tell of?
Of hidden tears and smile rehearsals?
Of hurtful plots and agenda?
Of "Count to 10 and breathe?
Of recounts of shame or being shamed?
Of verbal failures?
Of aftermath of unthinkable acts?
Of mockery after staged performances?
What exactly would it tell of?

Emotional Bankruptcy

Were you once a cheery hearted and jolly good fellow? Did you once feel like life was a playground filled with exotic toys and decorated with millions of balloons? Did you at one point in life try to see the good outcome in every thing? Were you once empathetic to a fault? Did you once believe in love, unicorns and other false stories? Were you at some point a soul that forgave easily?  Were you ever fulfilled by just basking in the euphoria of mere dreams and future goals? Did you go to church and dance to the praise and worship without it being a bribe for God to answer a certain prayer? Did things slowly start turning sour and you thought "oh weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning"? Did that night of weeping endure for many more nights? Did the hardship all of a sudden seem like it was not for just a little while? Did you wake up to look up and see a few colored lines instead of an actual rainbow? Did the story of your life all of a sudden seem unformatted? No paragraphs, no punctuations and draggy boring chapters? Did you start getting adapted to pain? Did your eyes start seeing it's basic functionality as a crying tool rather than a seeing tool? Did you start asking God where he was? Did you do a countdown and remembrance of sins and attribute your predicament to them? Do you still feel forlorn? Have you accepted the pain as a norm? Have you asked yourself if there are principalities and powers chasing you in your village? Do bad things happen to you and you are numb to it because you are probably used to it? Do people now talk to you and you are staring at them quite alright but you cannot hear them? Do you wake up in the morning with a detailed plan of "How to frown today"? Are you now on autopilot? Wake up, go to work, repeat? Are you the life of the pity party?
I may have not exhausted it all but if all your answers are yes, you my friend have no more funds in your emotional bank account. I suggest you... Oh well, I actually have nothing to suggest. Yep, that's as empty as empty can be.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

On Behalf Of The Badly Behaved.

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I am totally unapologetic for not posting for a couple of days. I fell ill and I guess the world is not fair so why waste my time apologizing when the universe owes me a ton of those?We all came to meet the world in some sort of segregation of good people and evil people. Let us not even go into the standards that are mostly responsible for these sentiments but I personally have my own "one size fits all" description of what a good person is. I think, (keyword:think) that a good person is someone who respects themselves, respects all men and respects their environment.Whichever way you want to fly that kite of a definition is up to you. 
I am not here to even talk about the "good people". As of right now, I do not even care if I am a good person. I am writing this today as an advocate of all the people that the society have termed as bad people.  Over the couple of days, I have been rude, lacking compassion, caring less about anyone's plight, caring less about my own plight, lackadaisical about everything and to be honest, really not giving a fuck. My self righteous side has been pricking me and labelling me an upcoming bad person and that was when it hit me.
People do not wake up and look in the mirror and say "Oh, you know what, how bout being a bad person for the day?" No. I refuse to believe that is how it works. Ugly situations mould people into unfriendly people. There are real real struggles out there. Not to say that some of the well behaved people have not been through some shitty situations. I personally believe that it takes some talent or some gift to have your behind all burnt and still make it out as a sunny side up egg. No. Some of us make it out just as burnt;within and without. Now after labelling these bad people, we even further make it harder to heal because we as a society want nothing to do with them thereby driving the dagger further into their already lifeless souls.
Common, we were all born babies. Are you saying that for some reason God probably had a congregation of the fetuses and went "Hey you, I want you to go into the world and be all the bad that you can be"? I sincerely think not.
So here is to the misunderstood. The rebel. The "dead within". The "existing not living". To all those who were born in a less than perfect circumstance...
I hope you find love and recognize it.
I hope the universe will one day be kind to you.
I hope you see a happy side amidst all the sadness.
I hope you break free from the tangled knitting of life's inexplicables.
I hope you find you.
I hope you'll be heard before being judged.
I hope you see the truth and accept it without questioning it.
I hope the universe counts your excuses as valid,
I hope your once pure,pure heart finds redemption.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Everybody's Free.

I am completely void of what to post today. I had quite a night...A revealing one... A magical one... A sad one...A happy one. Okay enough of writing the strange things going on in my head. 
Well, In the absence of anything of meaning to write, I remembered a song that pretty much can address a broad scope of issues(maybe just for me) so I decided to share the lyrics with you. It is called Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen by Baz Luhrmann. Listening to the song too might give it more meaning for you so here goes.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '97
Wear sunscreen
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it
A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists
Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this advice now
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth, oh, never mind
You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth
Until they've faded, but trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back
At photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now
How much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked
You are not as fat as you imagine
Don't worry about the future
Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing Bubble gum
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind
The kind that blindsides you at 4 p.m. On some idle Tuesday
Do one thing every day that scares you
Saying, don't be reckless with other people's hearts
Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours
Don't waste your time on jealousy
Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind
The race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself
Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults, if you succeed in doing this, tell me how
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life.
The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives
Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't
Get plenty of calcium
Be kind to your knees
You'll miss them when they're gone
Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't
Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't
Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the 'Funky Chicken'
On your 75th wedding anniversary
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much
Or berate yourself either
Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's
Enjoy your body, use it every way you can
Don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it
It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your own living room
Read the directions even if you don't follow them
Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly
Brother and sister together we'll make it through
Some day a spirit will take you and guide you there
I know you've been hurting but I've been waiting to be there for you
And I'll be there just helping you out whenever I can
Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good
Be nice to your siblings, they're your best link to your past
And the people most likely to stick with you in the future
Understand that friends come and go
But a precious few, who should hold on
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle
For as the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young
Live in New York City once but leave before it makes you hard
Live in northern California once but leave before it makes you soft
Accept certain inalienable truths
Prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too, will get old
And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young
Prices were reasonable, politicians were noble
And children respected their elders
Respect your elders
Don't expect anyone else to support you
Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse
But you never know when either one might run out
Never mess too much with your hair
Or by the time you're 40 it will look 85
Be careful whose advice you buy but be patient with those who supply it
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past
From the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts
And recycling it for more than it's worth
But trust me on the sunscreen
Brother and sister together we'll make it through
Some day a spirit will take you and guide you there
I know you've been hurting but I've been waiting to be there for you
And I'll be there just helping you out whenever I can
Everybody see it oh yeah yeah
Everybody see it oh yeah
He want you to feel good!'

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Broken Crayons Still Colour.

Image from
I really do not want to spend too much time beating around the bush on this post. The title is a very popular one and even more so, self explanatory. I however do intend to give it a little twist.
Being broken can make us lose self confidence and belief in ourselves. We feel worthless and unimportant and useless. Sometimes, depending on the situation, we are made to feel like we are bad people. This assertion can be made by the other parties involved in the situation but most times, by you.
I have some news for you. It is definite that sometimes, bad things will happen and you will be at the receiving end. This does not mean that good things will not happen to you. As a matter of fact, the bad things might just be the universe's way of putting you out of more harm.  The fact that you are broken or hurt either by someone, or a bad decision that you may have made does not make you a bad person.
Make yourself available for time to heal you. Look forward to all the good things that the future holds for you. Remember that you have a great part to play in what that future holds and you can be just as functional and as happy as you were before the ugly incident that has left you in pieces happened.
So what if you did not get that dream job? So what if your ex is getting married and you have not moved on? So what if everything seems topsy turvy?
I consoled myself last night with a little analogy that involves the epileptic power issue of Nigeria. You see how you are gloomy when there is no power? Your elation bounces back once the power is restored and you completely forget how bad and uneasy you felt when the power was out. Sometimes the power is out for a few minutes. Sometimes, a few hours. In some cases, a few days. Just may be it can be out for a few months and in very rare cases, a few years but the truth is that there is work going on to make sure that it is restored. Instead of dwelling in the current situation (which is totally normal by the way) for too long, try your best possible to fix your gaze and hope on the possibility of total restoration.
Do not restrict the greatness in you because you feel shortchanged in anyway because it can further cost you potential happiness. It is appointed unto you only a short time to brood and mourn over losses or dysfunctional relationships or seemingly bad situations. Brush it off and move on. Will you be reminded of it once in a while? Yes. Is it okay to breakdown for a minute? Yes. But it is definitely not okay to stay and play victim and watch the rest of your life pass you by without basking in the moments that even the highest definitions of cameras cannot capture.
Move on in your mind even if you haven't physically moved on and one day, something bigger and better will put a smile that will last for a pretty long while on your face. Do not miss the chance of contributing your greatness to the world due to bad circumstances honey. Never forget: Broken Crayons Still Colour.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Letter To My Next (As Inspired By Osikhena Dirisu)

So a few days ago, a certain letter written by the famous Beat Fm OAP Osikhena Dirisu pretty much broke Nigerian Twitter. To be honest, I shed a little tear as he described his emotions, flaws and all in a collage of amazing and carefully chosen words. I mean, I have always perceived Osi to be an Edo Demon (judging from stories I heard back in University Of Benin)but he did change my perception completely with this piece as I could see through his beautiful soul's yearning for true love. Enough of my adoration. See the letter for yourself.

Images from @osi_suave on Twitter
*Opens new roll of tissue* Tell me that those words did not touch the base of your feelings. I was however inspired deeply to write one myself so here goes.

Dear future boyfriend,
It will interest you to know that you are my last bus stop. Please do not try to ask me out if this is not part of your plan because if you are not tired of this singu pringu (single pringle) life, me I am.
I spend sleepless nights wondering; when will you push my groceries to fall at Shoprite so we can make eye contact when we bend to pick them up? Or are you probably going to slightly jam me with your G-Wagon so that you can rush down in slow motion to save me? Lmao okay enough of my Nollywood inspired scenes but I spend nights wondering when, where and how I'll meet you. Will it be memorable? Have I already met you? Was it memorable?
I will like to believe that the sole purpose of your existence is to meet me and marry me because I believe that God has armed you with spiritual super glue to mend my broken soul, heart and spirit.
I hope you like amusement parks because I am a roller coaster ride of beautiful and ugly emotions. Sometimes I freak out at the fact that you may not be able to handle it but I reassure myself knowing that God got the exact measurement of my excesses and built your tolerance and acceptance level to match.
I enjoy tiny quarrels so that I can look forward to us making up. Yeah, I am weird like that and I have no fear that your weird fits my weird perfectly.
I want to love you and I want you to love me back. I am talking "still kiss me passionately in the morning when I am 50 and distraught with mid-life crisis" typa love. I am talking "still ask me out when we are beautifully struck with dementia at age 99" typa love.
Truth is, there is so much I want to tell you. if I met you today, I would probably fall into your arms and cry hard. You may not know the beauty of the immediate past lines but I shall describe it by directly jacking Osi's words. I want to be vulnerable with you and know that you will guard my vulnerability and insecurities and fears with your life.
I want to be able to go up and down looking for people's trouble knowing that if you show up, you will shun them first before addressing my misdemeanor at home. As unconventional and as disturbing as this might sound, when you marry me, you will be automatically marrying my mum. I am the only child of a single superwoman who literally traded it all for me. Do not worry, she will not be in the way of our marriage and I pray she loves you senseless.
We'll talk babies when we start dating. Just bear in mind that my mother is expecting 5 grandchildren lmao. If 2 is okay by you, 2 is just fine by me.
I hope you love music with emphasis on Hiphop. I hope you are fun and love to party even if it is just you and I in the centre of our living room. I hope you are as excited to meet me as I am to meet you.
Yours in the future,
Cynthia Atagbuzia.
Please come quick because this money I am dashing landlord in the name of rent as a spinster is peppering my soul.