Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Life As A Potted Plant.

Image from thenewdaily.com.au

This is as random as random can be but do you really ever wonder what it must be like to be a potted plant? Your purpose is to beautify and amplify an ambience but to the detriment of your actual growth. You are pruned when you try to stretch out a little more than the boundaries set for you. Your foundation is confined and dictated. Limited by the clay or the steel or whatever material your pot is made out of. Your dreams of becoming wild and free are almost invalid except of course someone kicks you out into a forest or a bush which is most likely never going to happen. As for your feeding? Oh if you are lucky you might have a dedicated waterer. Who probably feeds you more out of wanting to earn a living. One who sees you as a chore. Oh and for the ones who claim that their sole passion and duty is to cater to you? Yeah the ones called gardeners. If you are super lucky, you'll find the one who prunes you beautifully and still has the decency to get you some manure just so you do not miss your natural habitat too much. If for any reason, luck runs out on you, you probably will be stuck with a house owner who only waters you according to his or her mood.
It really must be saddening for all potted plants around the world; that you must always wear a beautiful smile even when you are where you do not desire to be. Smile even when you are underfed and under-nurtured. Smile even when it starts becoming obvious that your end is near.  Until you really cannot smile anymore and all your flowers are withered and your leaves,pale. Until you really cannot smile anymore...and you are replaced with yet another soon to be unfortunate potted plant.

How to make a "Frakpaccino"

image from http://thepioneerwoman.com
I am generally not a coffee person but one of my best friends is an addict while another one of them does not mind spending thousands on bottled frappuccino. I wanted to really know what the exact craze was about as all I ever get is  a sip from theirs because of how possessive they are of it.lol. Anyway, got to work sometime last week and found my boss' previously brewed coffee. So I thought to myself... Is this drink not just cold coffee with plenty milk? So I decided to get creative with my boss' coffee, his milk and his sugar and his ice. I shook things up literally and voila! Homemade(more like office made) "Frakpaccino". I decided to give it that customized name to reflect the indigenous and ingenious nature of my creative love child lmao. Okay enough of the silliness. I did actually love the idea and I think I might just be taking to coffee more. I mean, you still retain the effect of being alert and energetic through the day but only this time, it is with creamy, milky and sugary goodness. Shout out to all the sweet toothed people out there like me.
Anyway, for those of you who want to disregard my amazing re-invention, I did stumble upon a wonderful blog that teaches you how to make proper frappuccino the right way: Starbucks standard actually. *rolls eyes to Jupiter*. So here goes aaaaand thank me later. .Actual Proper Frappuccino. Actually. you're welcome ;) lol

Monday, 18 July 2016

Your Eyes Are The Camera.

Image from quoteaddicts.com

Your eyes are the camera.
What are they constantly filming? Pale colored ceilings? Boring bathroom walls? Scenes of utter seriousness and absolutely no fun? Is it focusing on some print material without its consent or trapped on the set of societal dictated religion? Why is it not capturing the allures of a fanfare? Why not the goofy laugh of happy  children or the sweetly annoying splatters of a waterfall? Every beautiful moment craves your attention like a needy girlfriend. Waiting to be complimented...Waiting for its beauty to be gushed about and captured and framed and gazed upon on the walls of your heart and the hallway of your mind . No one buys a camera just because they want to capture "ordinary". The only ordinary shots should be for you to only remember how ordinary "ordinary" feels.Tell me, how do you shut those lenses every single night? Do you shut them out of a whole day of filming basic details? Do you shut it out of only playing back beautiful footage instead of taking in new ones? Do  you waste its self cleaning fluid by subjecting it to picturing flicks of love lost? Flicks of pain? Flicks of regret? Shame on you if you do that. Shame on us all...that we were all given the highest definition of all lenses yet we woefully fail to use it to its maximum. What would the angels say? When after many years of spending time on this location called life and you shut the lenses for good...and it's time to retrieve the data and view what life is like on the other side...and all the angels can see are pale colored ceilings and boring bathroom walls with scenes of utter seriousness and absolutely no fun. You would have cut their very high expectations way too short. You would have deprived them of your P.O.V. of this awesome life you had a privilege to be a part of.  Most importantly, you would have deprived yourself of exploring the amazing playground put together, just for you. Remember, if you see this, your eyes are the camera. Film wisely.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

10 Weird And Random Quotes From God Knows Where.

Image from www.pinterest.com

Sooo, I have decided to post some very odd quotes today for no justifiable reason. Quotes have this funny way of inspiring you and making your soul feel truly or falsely fed so let us dine away!
For the ones that make sense, you can give me credits. For the ones that do not make sense, just put "unknown" lol. Do make sure you give the blog credits though :). This is me believing that the quotes will somehow impact you...Maybe with some hidden meaning that you will unravel or it will be utterly stupid enough to make you laugh at the very least. So here goes...

"Immerse yourself some more in life. Safe never took anyone anywhere that daring couldn't."

"The threat is not the colour of their skin. The real threat should be that you will never be able to know what they are thinking."

"If it makes you happy, bubbly and alive, do not let it go...Until it stops. Then, you can let it go."

"We may never understand the daily conversation between the shoe and the ground."

"We all cannot handle it. The true meaning of love... An emotion where the slightest of deeds are deeply appreciated and the deepest of hurt is highly tolerated."

"Whatever super genius thing you do is a fraction of a fraction of your capabilities."

"You want change and I want change too but for things to change, we need to change too."

"Pausing is acceptable... Quitting is not."

"It is okay to judge when it happens to others. Just be sure to let us know when it happens to you."

"Dear friends, tomorrow is today."

Lmao! Like I said earlier, they are very weird and random quotes gotten from God know where.